Is Aeroseal Duct Sealing Safe and Efficient? A Comprehensive Guide

Are you looking for an effective way to improve air quality and reduce energy costs? Aeroseal duct sealing is a specialized material that adheres to and seals holes and leaks in air ducts, preventing contaminants from entering the circulating air. This process is non-toxic and has been used in hospitals, surgical centers, and government buildings around the world. In this article, we'll discuss the benefits of Aeroseal duct sealing, how it works, and why it's becoming increasingly popular. It's estimated that a poorly sealed duct can increase your heating bill by up to 30 percent. When air ducts have cracks, dirt, dander, dust, allergens, moisture, pollen, and pollutants can enter the air.

Aeroseal spray expels a mist of specialized material that adheres to and seals holes and leaks in air ducts. This helps to ensure that the air conditioner reaches the bedrooms, kitchen, living room, and other parts of the house without any loss. Having ducts properly sealed can also reduce utility and energy costs, since the air conditioning system won't have to work as hard. Ducts that send hot and cold air to living areas and ducts that carry air back to the air conditioning system are susceptible to air loss. After using the Aeroseal duct sealant, your HVAC professional will re-pressurize the ducts and determine the effectiveness of the process. The HVAC technician will begin the job by sealing the oven, air conditioner, and any other machinery that needs to be protected from the spray sealant. According to the U.

S. Department of Energy, repairing air ducts is one of the most important and beneficial ways to improve energy consumption. Although Aeroseal is relatively new to the market, it is finding its way into the industry where adhesive tape, putty and other forms have traditionally been used to try to seal air ducts and make them more efficient. Once the air treatment system is sealed, the crew focuses on sealing the rest of the ducts as much as possible and installing access ports.

The sealing particles reach leak points (voids, joints) of the duct network and are fixed to the edge of the opening before forming a seal. These air systems use a duct system to channel hot or cold air to living spaces throughout the house. This can be a problem if the duct system has larger leaks since spray sealing is more expensive than manual duct sealing but it won't solve the root of the duct leak problem. According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), an average home loses 20 to 30 percent of its air conditioning due to leaks in the ducts. Aeroseal is an effective way to improve indoor air quality while reducing energy costs. It's non-toxic material has been used in hospitals, surgical centers, and government buildings around the world.

It's estimated that a poorly sealed duct can increase your heating bill by up to 30 percent. With Aeroseal spray sealant, your HVAC professional will re-pressurize your ducts for maximum efficiency. The U. S Department of Energy recommends repairing air ducts as one of the most important ways to improve energy consumption.

With Aeroseal spray sealant you can ensure that your home is properly sealed with minimal effort.

Maartje van den Visser
Maartje van den Visser

Lifelong tv aficionado. Hipster-friendly web advocate. Lifelong zombie fan. Amateur beer evangelist. Typical coffee lover.