What is Duct Seal Made Of? - A Comprehensive Guide

Duct Seal I is a solvent-based, fiber-free synthetic rubber sealant that is renowned for its exceptional strength, fast drying time, and unparalleled flexibility. It is the perfect choice for applications that require a solvent-based sealant. The duct sealant is composed of a special compound that fills the cracks and voids in the ducts. Homeowners often attempt to seal the ducts with duct tape, but this adhesive does not provide the same level of efficiency as a duct sealant.

Putty is an older method of sealing duct leaks, but it is not as effective as sealing with Aeroseal. Damaged ducts can cause up to 30 percent air loss throughout the duct system. On the right side of the image below, you can see the Aeroseal machine that applies duct sealant using a computer-controlled process, reducing the number of working hours and improving sealing results. A thorough inspection and proper sealing of the ducts can prevent diseases and protect the air conditioning system.

The real magic lies in our top-secret duct sealant (liquid solution) and the way it seals duct leaks inside residential and commercial duct systems around the world. One of the biggest advantages of Aeroseal duct sealant over putty duct sealant is its application method. Duct Seal I is an essential component for any air conditioning system, as it helps to ensure that air loss is minimized and that your system runs efficiently. It is important to understand what duct sealant is made of in order to make an informed decision when selecting a product for your home or business.

The main ingredients in duct sealant are synthetic rubber, solvents, and fillers. Synthetic rubber provides flexibility and strength to the sealant, while solvents help to ensure that it adheres properly to surfaces. Fillers are added to increase the viscosity of the product and improve its sealing capabilities. When selecting a duct sealant, it is important to consider its application method.

Aeroseal's patented technology uses a computer-controlled process to apply duct sealant, which reduces working hours and improves sealing results. This method also ensures that all areas of the ducts are sealed properly, preventing air loss and protecting your air conditioning system from damage. In conclusion, duct sealant is an essential component for any air conditioning system. It helps to ensure that air loss is minimized and that your system runs efficiently.

Aeroseal's patented technology provides an efficient application method that reduces working hours and improves sealing results.

Maartje van den Visser
Maartje van den Visser

Lifelong tv aficionado. Hipster-friendly web advocate. Lifelong zombie fan. Amateur beer evangelist. Typical coffee lover.