What is Duct Sealant and How Does It Work? - A Comprehensive Guide

Duct sealant is a soft compound that is often compared to putty. It is designed for ease of operation and installation, and was originally developed for HVAC purposes. Duct sealant is used to create a seal that blocks moisture, dust, and air movement; it can also be used to block noise. The duct sealant consists of a special compound that fills the cracks and voids in the ducts. Often, the average homeowner will try to seal the ducts with duct tape.

However, adhesive tape doesn't do the efficient job that duct sealant does. Duct sealing putty is a compound used to seal ducts and other HVAC components. It is similar to plumber's putty, but it is made from materials that can withstand higher temperatures. The biggest advantage of putty for sealing air ducts is that you don't have to think about messing up afterwards. Start by sealing air leaks with putty or metal tape and insulate any ducts you can access (such as those in attics, tight spaces, unfinished basements, and garages).

Duct sealing putty has similar properties, but as the name suggests, it is formulated for use with ducts and other types of heating and cooling components. The vast majority of putties for sealing air ducts are non-toxic, making them safe for use in areas where ventilation is poor or access to safety equipment is limited. So hiring an expert to clean and seal your ducts could save you doctor visits and medical expenses in the future. Putty for sealing air ducts is ideal for these situations, as it is usually cheaper than tapes and other types of sealants, but equally effective in creating a reliable seal. Air duct sealing putty is a flexible, non-hardening and non-toxic compound designed to block air movement without the need for a compressor or refrigerant.

A thorough inspection and proper sealing of the ducts can clog holes that could cause diseases and damage the air conditioning system. Depending on your specific situation, you can use a putty to seal air ducts to repair small holes and cracks in metal ducts, or a putty sealant to repair larger holes in metal or flexible ducts. A well-designed and sealed duct system can make your home more comfortable, energy efficient, and safe. These leaks can be repaired with a putty to seal air ducts, which will form a permanent bond with the metal surface. However, in a typical home, about 20 to 30 percent of the air that moves through the duct system is lost due to leaks, holes, and poorly connected ducts. The main differences between putty for sealing ducts and putty for plumbers are the ingredients used to make it and their melting points.

Maartje van den Visser
Maartje van den Visser

Lifelong tv aficionado. Hipster-friendly web advocate. Lifelong zombie fan. Amateur beer evangelist. Typical coffee lover.