What Kind of Tape Should You Use for Ductwork? - A Comprehensive Guide

If you're doing air-conditioning work at home, aluminum foil tape should be your go-to option. This type of tape is fire resistant, can withstand extreme temperatures, and adheres strongly even in high humidity. If you don't want to use duct putty to seal your air conditioning system, aluminum tape is a great alternative. The first step for homeowners is to inspect the duct joints to see if any of the above tactics have been used.

It's best to have a qualified professional locate any leaks, perform a test on the fan door, and observe the pressure readings on a pressure gauge. Accessible tracks can be sealed with putty or adhesive tape, while injected spray sealant is effective in sealing inaccessible tracks located behind finished walls. When it comes to sealing air ducts, both putty sealant and aluminum foil tape are excellent options. Despite its name, never seal air ducts with adhesive tape. It just won't hold up.

After all these years, it should surprise us to discover that duct tape isn't actually intended for use in air ducts. Notice the extent to which the tape prevents air from escaping from the ducts and contaminants from entering the ducts. Make sure you use the right product to seal leaking ducts and save your favorite adhesive for making wallets. When it comes to sealing air ducts, it's important to choose the right product for the job. Aluminum foil tape is an ideal choice for air-conditioning work at home because it is fire resistant, can withstand extreme temperatures, and adheres strongly even in high humidity.

Putty sealant is also a great option for sealing air ducts. It's important to remember that adhesive tape should never be used for sealing air ducts. Duct tape isn't actually intended for use in air ducts and won't hold up over time. To ensure that your air conditioning system is properly sealed and functioning optimally, it's best to have a qualified professional inspect the duct joints and locate any leaks. By following these tips and using the right product for the job, you can ensure that your air conditioning system is properly sealed and functioning optimally. Aluminum foil tape is an ideal choice for air-conditioning work at home because it is fire resistant, can withstand extreme temperatures, and adheres strongly even in high humidity.

Maartje van den Visser
Maartje van den Visser

Lifelong tv aficionado. Hipster-friendly web advocate. Lifelong zombie fan. Amateur beer evangelist. Typical coffee lover.